Welcome to the Blessed Be -- Vampiric Nuptuals area store; where you can purchase items for your own personal use, or to use together with your Vampiric Nuptuals Ceremony. Listed below are the items that we currently have available. Following the detailed list of our merchandise is our PRICE SHEET. All the information that you need to begin purchasing items is right here at a clicks distance. BBVN has several Payment Options available, and even has a 30-day FREE layaway plan. Browse to your enjoyment and thanks for you interest in our merchandise.


1. CEREMONY CERTIFICATE -- A classic certificate commemerating your wedding, stating the time and date.

2. WEDDING ROSE -- A rose in the classic colors red, white, or white/black. The red symbolizes love and passion. The white symbolizes commitment. The black represents the eternity. (If you keep an album, these would be good to press and to keep as a reminder of your love and wedding.)

3. OATH CERTIFICATE -- A certificate that states the oath, or vows, of your wedding; creatively posted on stationary.

4. OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT OF CEREMONY -- A detailed account of the ceremony's ordeal. Everything is documented carefully and accurately. (A transcript may be purchased with LadyLantern's signature on it.)

5. BLOOD STAIN -- A vampiric symbol of eternal love and togetherness. Carefully displayed on stationary, the blood stain is made by the blood of LadyLantern and is accompanied by "Eternal Words", a true selection of eternal love.

6. DROPLET BOTTLE OF CEREMONIAL BLOOD -- A blood bottle to dedicate your devotion to the eternity that has been vowed to your partner. There are three different sizes to accomidate your needs. "Lust Droplet", 3 droplet bottle. "Love Droplet", 10 droplet bottle. "Passion Droplet", 1/2 full bottle. The blood level is the strength of your devotion toward your eternity of love.

7. NUPTUAL LOG -- A classic "Yule Tide" log made of prime wood. Able to be burnt and meant to spread eternal bliss throughout.

8. NUPTUAL LOG (with blessing) -- A classic "Yule Tide" log made of prime wood. Able to be burnt and meant to spread eternal bliss throughout. This log also has a special blessing to strengthen the eternal bliss while burning the log.

9. CEREMONIAL OIL -- The sacred oil that is used at all wedding by LadyLantern. A small amount is saved from each wedding to be made available to you and to be kept as the sacred oil that binds.

10. CEREMONIAL CANDLES -- A pillar candle that is prepared at every wedding by LadyLantern and used to "light the eternity path" and to "waken the eternal bind" between you. The candle is available in three colors: white, red, and black. The white candle is used to awaken the path and to start the commitment process. The red candle is used to awaken the eternal love. The black is used to mark the eternity in which your love will last. (The candles purchased can be charged -- the one's from the ceremony, used -- or virgin -- unused and ready to be lit for the first time, by you. You must specify which upon ordering.)

11. BINDING OIL -- Specially formulated oils, that combine flowers with prepatory blessings, to formulate a binding oil for you to use after the ceremony; to commemorate yourselves, your bodies, to each other. Two formulations available: The "heart" formulation which consists of the special oils, flowers and blessing. The "soul" formulation which consist of the special oils, flowers, blessings, blood (for extra strength on the bindings). (You may purchase a home kit to formulate your own binding oils using the necessary equipment needed to charge the binding; your own blood then can be replaced for LadyLantern's. The HOME KIT is priced on it's own at $50.00)

12. VAMPOO LOVE DOLL -- A voodoo-like doll made of canvas-like material/cloth that is used to mark your relationship, love and eternity. There are four dolls available: Plain, no decoration, for you to do what you want and/or see appropriate. Decorated, marked with symbols of vampiric eternity and love. Prepared, opened and pinned for you to finish and charge. Consicrated, opened-pinned- charged-commemorated-marked with blood, ready to be used by you. (The Vampoo Love Doll also is available in a Do-It-Yourself Kit. The kit has the pins, doll, and everything needed to charge the doll and have it marked for you to use; done by your own hand and love, the blood can be replaced by your own. The kit usually would sell for $50.00, but it is now marked for $35.00, as an introductory item.)


PRICE SHEET ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # ITEM COLORS PRICE ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. CEREMONY CERTIFICATE $10.00 @ 2. WEDDING ROSE White $5.00 @ Red $7.00 @ White/Black $9.00 @ White & Red $10.00 @ pair 3. OATH CERTIFICATE $10.00 @ 4. OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT OF CEREMONY (Plain) $20.00 @ (Signature) $25.00 @ 5. BLOOD STAIN $15.00 @ 6. DROPLET BOTTLE OF CEREMONIAL BLOOD (Lust) $10.00 @ (Love) $20.00 @ (Passion) $30.00 @ 7. NUPTUAL LOG $30.00 @ 8. NUPTUAL LOG (w/ blessing) $40.00 @ 9. CEREMONIAL OIL $15.00 @ 10. CEREMONIAL CANDLE Committment/White $15.00 @ Love/Red $20.00 @ Eternity/Black $25.00 @ 11. BINDING OIL "Heart" (no blood) $20.00 @ (NEW!) "Soul" (with blood) $25.00 @ (NEW!) 12. VAMPOO DOLL (Plain) $10.00 @ (NEW!) (Decorated) $15.00 @ (NEW!) (Prepared) $20.00 @ (NEW!) (Consicrated) $25.00 @ (NEW!) (Do-It-Yourself Kit) $35.00 @ (NEW!)